17 Neighbours Roulette


If you are familiar with the European game of Roulette then you might have seen or heard of ‘neighbour bets’, AKA ‘section bets’ and ‘call bets’. The European Roulette wheel has a different layout for the numbers than the American wheel does, and included in the European game are these additional bets.

  • Neighbours of zero – this bet includes almost half of the Roulette wheel with numbers 22-18-29-7-28-12-3-3-26-0-32-15-19-4-21-2-25. Zero play – this wager covers the following numbers: 12-35-3-26-0-32-15; If you divide the European Roulette wheel up in two halves from the green 0, on the one half there are high red numbers and low black.
  • Number Neighbours bet/Neighbors bet (Voisin du Nombre): 5 chips bet on a number which covers the number itself and the two numbers on either side of it on the roulette wheel. Zero Neighbours bet (Voisins du Zero): 9 chips bet covers Zero plus seven numbers on right, and nine numbers on left, 0/2/3 + 25/26/28/29, each with 2 chips, 4/7 + 12/15.
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Bayton 17 Neighbours Roulette Ltd (C41970), is a Maltese registered company registered at Villa Seminia, 8, Sir Temi Zammit Avenue, Ta' XBiex XBX 1011. Bayton 17 Neighbours Roulette Ltd is licensed under the Malta Gaming Authority, license number: MGA/B2C/145/2007 (issued 1st August 2018).

The wheel is broken up into three main sections, and the player has the option of betting on any of these sections simply by calling the bet out to the dealer and giving them the money for the bet before or during the spin. These are called “section bets”. We will cover exactly what these sections are later in this article.

17 neighbours roulette rules

A ‘neighbour bet’ will include 5 numbers. You basically choose the number that you want to use for the neighbour bet, and it will include that number, and the two numbers on each side of it on the Roulette wheel. So, for example, if you wanted to play “zero and the neighbours”, your bet would include the two numbers on each side, so your bet would cover numbers 3, 26, 0, 32 and 15.

For a neighbour bet, your bet will be broken down into fifths, with one fifth effectively going on each number. So if you threw in a £5 bet, it would effectively mean you have £1 straight up on each of these five numbers. You have to be aware of the table minimums, so if the Roulette table had a £1 minimum on the inside numbers, then the minimum neighbour bet you can do is £5 (which will effectively mean £1 on each of the five numbers).


You don’t physically have to place £1 on each of these numbers, you simply announce to the dealer that you would like to play zero and its neighbours (or whichever number you want to play), and they will mark this bet up. Then if one of the five numbers comes up that spin, they will place the relevant amount on the number and pay you out for it.

Roulette Section bets

As well as the Roulette neighbour bets, there are also section bets that you can play as well. This is where the wheel is broken down into three different sections, and you can bet on any of them whenever you like. The three sections are:

  • Voisins du zero
  • Orphelins
  • Tier du cylindre

You can see from this diagram just what numbers each section includes. But we need to go into more detail of how the actual bets are broken down.

Voisins du zero

Voisins du zero is a 9 chip bet. So you need to bet in denominations of 9 when you play this section. The section includes 17 different numbers, including the zero on the wheel, and is the largest of the three section bets.

None of the bets cover any ‘straight up’ numbers (this is where the chip is placed on one number only). So the 9 different placements for the voisins du zero bet are as follows (the chip amounts mentioned are for a single 9 chip bet):

  1. 2 chips placed on the 0,2,3 corner
  2. 2 chips placed on the 25 to 29 corner
  3. 1 chip placed on the 4/7 split
  4. 1 chip placed on the 12/15 split
  5. 1 chip placed on the 18/21 split
  6. 1 chip placed on the 19/22 split
  7. 1 chip placed on 32/35 split


Orphelins is the smallest section on the wheel, covering 8 different numbers only. The section is actually broken into two different sections, each one separating the Voisins du zero and Tier du cylinder sections.

The Orphelins bet is a 5 chip bet, and they are broken down as follows:

  1. 1 chip placed on number 1 straight up
  2. 1 chip placed on the 6/9 split
  3. 1 chip placed on the 14/17 split
  4. 1 chip placed on the 17/20 split
  5. 1 chip placed on the 31/34 split

Tier du cylinder

So the remaining 12 numbers left on the wheel are all part of the Tier du cylinder section. This is a 6 chip bet, and each bet is placed on the following splits:

  1. 1 chip placed on the 5/8 split
  2. 1 chip placed on the 10/11 split
  3. 1 chip placed on the 13/16 split
  4. 1 chip placed on the 23/24 split
  5. 1 chip placed on the 27/30 split
  6. 1 chip placed on the 33/36 split

So all of these neighbour bets and section bets are exclusive to the French and European games of Roulette. You will not find any of these on the American game, as the numbers on the wheel are set out in a completely different way on the American wheel as to the European and French. These bets are all very easy to play, and now you have an understanding of what each of the section bets are, and how to play them you can start practicing on a European game.

You can play European Roulette now at Luxury Casino, and try out your new-found knowledge on these bets on one of the many European Roulette that the online casino has available.

Do you know what the neighboring numbers are in roulette? Discover how to bet on these numbers in online roulette.

What are neighboring numbers in roulette?

Roulette is the most popular game of all that we find in any casino. In the physical premises, it has been one of the meeting places for all kinds of players, who are distributed among the various tables to seek their luck. With the arrival of virtual casinos, it is possible to play live roulette without leaving home, with the comfort of enjoying the game while sitting on our sofa.

Both in physical casinos and online, roulette has a legion of followers. Many of them rely on their favorite numbers to seek their fortune; others are entrusted to some of the most common game strategies such as the Martingale, the Fibonacci sequence, or the D’Alembert or Labouchere methods.

But the players who really control the roulette usually use other different strategies: it is about playing a certain sector of the roulette that is, predicting that the ball will fall in a specific place of the roulette. To bet in this way, neighboring numbers are used, that is, those that are placed together in the cylinder of the roulette wheel.

For example, the neighbors of 0 are the numbers 26, 32, 3, and 15 . Betting on 0 and its neighbors, we are playing five numbers in a row of the roulette in the hope that the ball falls in that specific sector of the cylinder. And to play neighboring numbers, different strategies are used, each with its own name.

17 Neighbours Roulette Games

trategies for playing neighboring numbers at roulette

In American roulette, it is common to find game mats that, in addition to the numbers and the traditional outdoor games, also have the roulette numbers painted as they are placed on the cylinder and divided into its three main groups (neighbors of 0, orphans and third), which allows us to bet directly on this group of numbers with the chips we want. In some cases, the group of neighbors of 0 is called “series 0/2/3”, while the group of numbers of a third of the cylinder is called “series 5/8”.

Neighbors of 0

It is the largest group of roulette since it consists of a total of 17 numbers, 0 and its 16 neighbors (nine on the left and seven on the right), and the play is made with nine chips. This move is known by various names such as “large series” or also “zero sectors”. In addition, there is a variant called ‘ zero and its neighbors ‘ that includes one more chip that is played directly to 0 looking for the plenum.

Cylinder third

17 Neighbours Roulette Game

They are a total of 12 numbers (that is why it is a third of the cylinder) and covers the numbers that are between 33 and 27, inclusive. The situation of the squares on the mat allows all these numbers to be played with only six chips, placing them on horseback of the numbers (5-8, 10-11, 13-16, 23-24, 27-30, and 33-36).